Who’s the real threat to world peace?

“Iran is the biggest threat to world peace,” Steven Harper warns Canadians... Where does Harper getting his “intelligence” from?

“Iran is the biggest threat to world peace,” Steven Harper warns Canadians on national TV. And where does Harper getting his “intelligence” from?

Undoubtedly from his beloved role model, the United States.

The US — according to American historian Bill Blum — has since World War II:

1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments (most of them democratically-elected).

2. Attempted to suppress populist or national movements in 20 countries.

3. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.

4. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

5. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

In total, US foreign policy has afflicted 69 countries. Iran, meanwhile, hasn’t attacked any country in 200 years.

Harper, get real, who really is the biggest threat to world peace?

Harper steals the lies for going to war from war criminals Bush, Cheney and Obama.

Canadians be warned, before President Harper is done with us, the world will hate us like they do our wacko southern neighbours.

Meanwhile, start saving for the 65 new killer jet fighters Harper ordered.

Bryan Stawychny



Invermere Valley Echo