Why do the B.C. Liberals need more booze revenue?

It’s obvious to me, a taxpayer, that the B.C. Liberals will do anything to get elected.

Rich Coleman, our bright energy and mines minister, appears to now be looking for a new venue to create more alcoholics – movie theatres.

For the first time in Canadian history, B.C. Liberals passed tough drinking and driving laws, but the minute pub owners complained, Coleman started to try to make it easier for drinkers. Now we have a law that allows people to drink until 4 a.m. but that’s not enough. Coleman thinks of another plan: let’s attract people to the movies by letting them buy booze. It’s bad enough allowing this debauchery at sports events. How can we possibly expect the next generation to see how harmful alcohol can be if it’s made to look so great?

As the days go by, it’s obvious to me, a taxpayer, that the B.C. Liberals will do anything to get elected. They do not care about families or victims of drinking drivers.

We get asked to help the homeless, the drug addicts, troubled teens, pregnant teens, but nothing will change as long as we have a government that does not care and encourages more drinking. Just look at the riot downtown Vancouver, just because the Canucks did not win. That stupidity was caused by booze.

I think Rich Coleman and his minions need to go.

Eileen Nattrass

Central Saanich



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