Why does Clancy feel the need to defend Jangula?

Dear editor,

In a recent letter to both local newspapers Mr. Dick Clancy made misleading statements that I must correct.

Readers of these newspapers will know my last letter simply contained congratulations for Mayor Jangula on his re-election.

In his letter, Mr. Clancy’s use of the term “known to associate with” is a term typically used in police reports to describe criminals. I have indeed met Mr. Donovan Carter, a citizen who has retired from elected office elsewhere.

Over the past six years we met twice, at his request, to discuss his concerns about city issues: the trimming of undergrowth near his home and various homelessness initiatives. It was standard councillor business: far from the conspiracy that Mr. Clancy implies.

I am surprised that Mr. Clancy sees the need to act as a self-appointed praetorian guard for Mayor Jangula, flying to his defence at every opportunity. Mayor Jangula is an experienced elected official: he can defend himself.

We have some 18,000 voters in Courtenay, so two letters from citizens suggesting the appointment of a particular councillor to the CVRD board is a long way from a conspiracy bent on the complete undermining of democracy as we know it.



Jon Ambler



Comox Valley Record