
Why Fish Need Water

There are always a lot of good questions around this time from concerned citizens

Why Fish Need Water

Thank you for the piece updating the community about the weir at Lake Cowichan and its annual start-up this month to store water in the lake and regulate water flows in the Cowichan River.

There are always a lot of good questions around this time from concerned citizens, wondering why any water is being released through the weir in the spring, instead of saving it for later in the summer. It’s a natural question, but there is a very good answer!

Last year to help clear up confusion, about this and other related questions the Cowichan Watershed Board created a six minute video featuring Tim Kulchyski and Tom Rutherford, called “Why Fish Need Water”. It is on the home page of our website at www.cowichanwatershedboard.ca so I wanted to encourage anyone interested to take a look.

Jill Thompson, project coordinator

Cowichan Watershed Board

Cowichan Valley Citizen