Why is BC Hydro installing smart meters?

Dear editor,
Indeed smart meters as it stands would not be an improvement for the consumer.

Dear editor,Indeed smart meters as it stands would not be an improvement for the consumer.Joanne Sales is correct with the negative stories regarding these meters.I don’t understand why B.C. Hydro is ready to make the change, while all these serious allegations have not been properly investigated.BC Hydro “are open to public input.” I am not sure what this means.Thanks to Joanne we have some information, otherwise the public at large would have no idea what this is all about. A more informed approach from the Hydro company would have been appreciated and it is definitely a must to expect any valued input from the public. Thanks, Joanne, for your warnings, especially about the company that is promoting this new system of collecting data of the usage of our electricity. A proper investigation is needed, before any of these meters become a potential widespread health hazard.Ary Sala,Fanny Bay

Comox Valley Record