Why is military in Comox Valley ‘insisting on killing me?’

Dear editor,

The military base has been conducting helicopter exercises from "dusk until the early hours."

Dear editor,

The military base has been conducting helicopter exercises from “dusk until the early hours.”

Our experience has them ending between 3 and 4 a.m. No problem.

We understand the need for safety and training. However, just a few hours later, starting at 8 a.m., 10 hours of cadet glider tow planes begin. Five hours of sleep is tough when you run a small business.

The Economist last week in an article on road noise stated that the World Health Organization estimates “1 in 50 heart attack deaths in rich European countries are related to traffic noise.” Does 16 hours a day of aircraft noise, most of it frivolous, count?

I am a hard-working small businessman and employer, willing taxpayer and voter, and would like to know why, despite reams of science about the harm of chronic noise, my federal government is insisting on killing me?

Steven W. Hodge,


Comox Valley Record