Letter writers react to the proposal by a transportation planner to slap a toll on Canada-U.S. border crossings.

Letter writers react to the proposal by a transportation planner to slap a toll on Canada-U.S. border crossings.

Why is tax, tax, tax the only answer?

Maybe Doherty and friends should come up with a better plan on how to keep Canadians shopping at home and earn their salaries.

Re: “Tolls at border proposed,” The Leader, Dec. 3.

So Vancouver transportation planner Eric Doherty thinks it’s a great idea to toll the roads leading up to the borders – the same roads and borders that our taxes already paid for. Now they want to tax us to drive on them to restrict our freedom of movement and choice of destinations.

It seems that the only answer politicians can come up with (after spending thousands of dollars on studies) is tax, tax, tax, and of course they will all jump on the band wagon because none of them can formulate a thought of their own or come up with a better answer.

Doherty states that it would reduce congestion and notes people with a more legitimate reason to visit the U.S. would have shorter waits. Well I think my reasons for crossing the border are just as legitimate and should not be restricted because of unjust tax. I wonder what the feds will think of this money-grabbing scheme, as they introduced the Nexus pass to speed up border crossings.

The reason people shop across the border is because of lower taxes, price of goods, quality and choice of goods and to save money that families are in need of because of the amount of taxes we already pay here. And Doherty wants to tax us more? More tolls, higher Hydro, higher gas costs, higher ferry costs, higher property taxes… where will it end? It seems that everything we do we are taxed on and that is why people cross the border to save money. Just watch the price of goods and gas go up here if this tax goes into effect.

Maybe Doherty and friends should come up with a better plan on how to keep Canadians shopping at home and earn their salaries.

I thought we lived in Canada. The Charter guarantees us freedom of movement and choice, along with the Constitution. I guess not.  It seems like we’re living in a communist country more than in Canada.

J. Edwards, Cloverdale


Get out of my wallet


Dear Mr. Transportation Planner Eric Doherty:

First off, let me explain to you that I am a tax-paying citizen of this country, and to have you suggest to your Moving in Metro Summit buddies that what I do while going about my lawful business while visiting the U.S. is in any way your business, is simply ridiculous.

This is Canada. What I, or anyone else from Canada, B.C., Surrey, or wherever does legally across the border is none of your concern.

To even suggest that people are tax evaders or not paying their fair share for crossing the border is outrageous. To suggest a toll (tax) to do so, is in my opinion, out of touch with reality.

Everyone in this country has the right to purchase anything, legally, from anywhere. You and your whole group of so-called “planners” have no right to brand any citizen of Canada who crosses the border to the U.S.

The people of B.C. are taxed to death.  Overpaid, bloated planners are just grabbing at every “get a buck” idea they can.

Get out of my wallet. I have had enough.

Robert Gary Parkes, Port Kells


Cost of commodities fuels cross-border trips


It is a punitive step to impose tax on border crossings under the pretext of to stopping cash from flowing into Washington State.

Maybe Canadian dollars should stay within our territory and be utilized towards Canadian services, but we need to seek some sensible solution instead of bringing extra tax and harming those in society with meagre incomes.

Why do our political leaders and policy makers seem less concerned to discuss with the Canadian business community the prices of  basic commodities, which are always shooting sky high and making life difficult life low-income families.

It is necessary to create situations that give consumers a better deal locally; this will stop them from going across the border.

If Canadian items are expensive, then don’t expect U.S. consumers come to Canada or for our economy to reap any benefit.

Canadians have been faithfully paying their fair share of taxes like income tax, sales tax, carbon tax, property tax, bridge tolls and many more. There is no need to come up with another tax.

To attract more shoppers and benefit the Canadian economy, make basic products available at a cheaper cost.


Hanif A. Patel, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader