Why legalize the gateway drug?

Perhaps I would agree with legalizing marijuana use if I really believed that it is wholly for the treatment of medical issues.

Perhaps I would agree with legalizing marijuana use if I really believed that it is wholly for the treatment of medical issues. Some people claim that pot controls pain and makes living more comfortable.

As a cure for anything, marijuana use is not proven and is therefore speculative. As a medium for creativity in the arts, pot may help that minority of the “gifted” in society, but legalization is unnecessary.

The turn-off for me is the attitude displayed before the media cameras by people who favour legalizing pot.

Comments like “can’t stop it anyway, so save the taxpayer the enforcement costs by getting into the business and tax it.” Legalization then becomes “it’s all about the money.”

Now, we are asked to legalize a gateway drug (marijuana) that young people will become enamoured with as a starter experience and then seek out the stronger drugs.

We will continue to see the lives of those young people and even pre-teens that will be trashed so others can relish their smoking pleasure.

Pot activists push the legalize agenda and many people smile with an almost laughing support. However, the evil arises from the criminals who push their recreational drugs onto the innocent for money.

No amount of drug taxation will ever pay for the shattered lives, collateral tragedies from gang wars, rehabilitation of addiction and damages to property or families.

Education is offered as the answer to the problem of marijuana use and drug abuse. Maybe it is supposed to be. However, it is another example of money thrown into “education” to solve a problem. Legalization of marijuana will have a fearful price for some. Am I wrong?

Bruce E. HornidgePort Alberni

Parksville Qualicum Beach News