Why not boats?

Unattended boats seem to be a major problem in Tsehum Harbour.

Why not boats?

Unattended boats seem to be a major problem in Tsehum Harbour.

Some solutions to consider:

• All mooring buoys in the harbour must be registered, thus allowing owners to be contacted when problems arise. Unregistered ones will be towed.

• Buoys should have to be checked yearly and have a decal affixed to avoid drifting.

• The number of buoys in harbour should be restricted.

• There need to be some provisions for regular pump-outs for anyone living aboard to avoid further pollution of area.

Perhaps all boats should have to have insurance so someone can make a claim in event of an accident.

It should not be either Janet Rooke’s (wharfinger) personal job nor nearby property owners to deal with the fallout from runaway boats.

We as automobile owners are required to have licensing and insurance; why not boats?

Andree Cranstoun, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review