Why not reach out?

Invitation only event has reader shaking head in disbelief

With respect to the visit from the phalanx of provincial government cabinet ministers to Parksville on Monday, I refer to your quote from Minister Chong, “In less than a year from now, in May of next year, we will go to the polls and a we will be electing a government.”

I would like to make a couple of points.

May of 2013 is not less than a year from now, and is in fact about 15 months away. Maybe the minister has signaled some election intentions that have not yet been made known. One might come to this conclusion given that this visit seemed like a blatant campaign whistle stop.

Why would these ministers not take this valuable opportunity to reach out to the broad community? After all, we are expecting good governance from them for the remainder of their term, however long that may be. At the same time, they might divine what would make a good election platform by listening to all of their constituents rather than just the chamber of commerce.

Pat Jacobson


Qualicum Beach



Parksville Qualicum Beach News