Why they occupied

This letter is in response to Megan Cole’s column on the question as to why an Occupy movement exists and what is the point.

This letter is in response to Megan Cole’s column on the question as to why an Occupy movement exists and what is the point (“Goals of occupy protest too foggy,” November 25). She simply answered her own question, so I thought I would point that out.

The movement is in the “right of freedom to speak” to voice the oppression that corporate/government/banks who brush shoulders for their own invested interest, causing the taxpayers financial grief, the burden to our elders in high property taxes, etc.

Cole pointed out our freedom and right to vote — however majority rules? Our recent municipal election proved that more than half of Nelson’s population did not vote… that could be as the result of no trust in the elected.

So Megan Cole, the Occupy movement is a conscious group of people moving out of the world of separation into the heart of compassion. The meek SHALL inherit the Earth.

Jana Mayrhofer-Harmon



Nelson Star