Why we do it? For all of us

Think about becoming more influential and profitable in 2012

I have had the pleasure over the past year of being introduced to the “Start With Why” concept espoused by Simon Sinek.

As you get ready for 2012 I would like you to consider becoming more influential and profitable with an increase in loyalty from customers, clients and members.

Any organization can explain what it does, most can explain how they do what they do but very few can explain clearly the why of their organization.

Why is not money or profit — those are results. Why does your organization exist? Why does it do the things it does? Why are customers loyal?

Why does the chamber of commerce exist?

Everything we do stems from a belief that a healthy business community is the key to the overall health of the community. Everything we do whether it is in the operation of our organization or the advocacy efforts we conduct on behalf of our members is based on that belief.

We host networking sessions with our members because we believe that strong relationships promote better business practices.

We provide business counseling and training to work towards establishing a business community that prides itself on excellence, this is how we will work towards the development of a healthy business community as an essential component of a healthy community at large.

Over the past year we have championed the benefits of business of sustainability, responsible use of power and water. This is another example of what we do.

Why we do it — to ensure that Parksville and District continues to have a healthy business community.

The list goes on from developing Economic Development tools to working with the School District to find options for our young people to stay and build their lives here.

Starting with Why puts a whole new spin on the development of strong leaders and strong business.

I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and hope that you will take the time to explore Why as a central theme that the What and How you run your organization can benefit from.


— Kim Burden is the executive director of the Parksville and District Chamber of Commerce



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