Why would we spite ourselves?

I hate the HST! But how will we pay off the hidden six billion dollar debt?


I hate the HST! But how will we pay off the hidden six billion dollar debt?

Premier Gordon Campbell brought in the HST to pay for his twin bridges and super highway projects. That’s the real reason for the HST. Period.

It’s almost four billion dollars for the twin “Gordon Campbell Bridges” and almost two billion dollars for the “Truck Superhighway” from the Golden Ears Bridge to Delta. Makes the ¾ billion dollar “Fast Ferries Fiasco” look small, doesn’t it?

Right now, no matter what the accountants’ numbers say, we are six billion dollars in the hole. And sooner or later, we and our grandchildren will have to pay that debt no matter who or what is taxed to replace revenue lost if we repeal the HST. We ourselves  will have to pay that debt in the end.

Did you know we already have a “double win”?

#1.) We got our BC Liberal government to admit to a mistake. Wow!

#2.) There are rebates for some of us and a 2% lowering of the tax rate for us all.

So at this point we have a “twin win”. Now, let’s not “shoot ourselves in the foot” by repealing the HST. It would be a victory, but a hollow one. The cost of changing back to previous taxes plus the decrease in revenues will only add to the debt load our children and grandchildren will have to pay. Do we really want to do that?

Walt Friesen, Abbotsford

Aldergrove Star