Wi-Fi vs. light bulb danger

For recent letter writer Jeffrey Peters to say that Wi-Fi is not dangerous tells me he knows nothing about it, or works for the industry.

For recent letter writer Jeffrey Peters to say that Wi-Fi is not dangerous tells me that he either knows nothing about this subject or he works for the industry and was directed to utter such incredible nonsense.

It is not possible to compare a common electric light bulb to an electronic device containing a radio transmitter, receiver and antenna circuit that transmits continuous, low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation.

As was the case with tobacco, there are two kinds of scientists in the world today: those paid by industry and those who are not. Only industry-paid scientists would dare say that any of today’s wireless technologies are safe.

Honest, non-industry funded scientists have been saying otherwise for more than 50 years. Moreover, honest scientists say that there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation, regardless of how weak the signal.

Back to Peters: he should know that an electric light bulb emits only light and heat. And, like all electrical gadgets and appliances, the wiring attached to the light bulb will have an electrical field when turned off, and both an electrical and magnetic field when turned on. See www.bioInitiative.org for honest science.

Jerry Flynn


Parksville Qualicum Beach News