Wide-ranging impacts from brain injury study

I am very glad to see this research into the brain being done

Re: Re-wiring the brain (News, Sept. 26)

I am very glad to see this research into the brain being done because more and more people are surviving brain injuries and I feel doctors know little about this organ and how it affects the rest of the body’s functions.

The brain controls how we react to situations by putting in place the necessary measures it feels are needed to deal with whatever arises.

What we may learn from this investigation is what does the brain need in order for it to function properly. If we learn this it could have an effect on other areas in medicine.

Teaching people to recognize what triggers these reactions and how to respond to them is a good start. Now what kind of reactions takes place within our bodies?

UBC did a study showing that anxiety caused HBP, and then we learn that HBP can cause kidney problems as well as heart problems, so you see one thing has an effect on another.

Chronic disease management has various support groups to help those who have a chronic disease deal with their illness.

For example we can have a group of diabetics which meet and discuss there problem with other diabetics.

Who best to understand their condition than another person who has the same problem and understands when they say this is what is happening?

This knowledge is gained through experience. What I am going to suggest and I have been an advocate for is that we start a support group for those people who have experienced brain injuries. This can be a learning experience and benefit for everyone.

Jim Bates




Saanich News