WiFi a dangerous experiment

Re: No escape from radio frequencies (Writer’s Block, Feb. 1)

Re: No escape from radio frequencies (Writer’s Block, Feb. 1)

Life developed on Earth over millions of years under certain environmental conditions.

Animals and later humans, while evolving under the natural radiation from the sun and the rest of  the cosmos, developed protective mechanisms against potentially harmful side effects.

Over the last few decades,  man-made radiation sources in the radio range have increased dramatically surpassing by a wide margin the natural background level.

In particular, the explosion of technologies utilizing a certain type of pulsed microwave waves is blanketing entire urban areas making it difficult to avoid exposure.

Any artificial radiation which is introduced on a massive scale into the environment over a very short period of time relative to human history, is likely to cause some sort of adverse effects in the long term as the human body does not have the time to develop efficient protective mechanisms.

Health Canada’s position on the issue is: “At present, the evidence of a possible link between RF energy exposure and cancer risk is far from conclusive and more research is needed to clarify this ‘possible’ link. Health Canada continues to monitor the science regarding RF exposure and would take action if future research establishes that RF energy exposure poses a health risk to Canadians.”

In other words, let’s keep radiating Canadians and see what happens. Basically, this is equivalent to conducting a long- term experiment on a massive scale using the people, including our children, as guinea pigs.  This is unethical, immoral and irresponsible.

This technology should be proven safe before the general public is subjected to it at these levels.

It is not necessary to have 100 per cent certainty to apply the precautionary principle and protect the citizens and our children.

Nabhraj Spogliarich




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