Wild Sky Sisters

Wild Sky Sisters: Gemini Season

Wild Sky Sisters is a joint venture between Angela Moffitt and Tamara McLellan

Winds of Change

The energy in the sky is shifting. We are moving from Yin energy – Taurus – Fixed Earth to Yang Energy – Gemini – Mutable Air. Sacred body moves to sacred mind.

Gemini Season is all about communication and information – what comes down the airwaves. Gemini is “mutable air” which means it moves and shifts quickly. Communication is quick and witty and might also border on blunt or scattered.

Right now is a time of extreme discernment as to who and where you’re getting your news. If you’re here, you’re probably in the right place.

Gemini is where we find our curiosity. Taking the seat of the life long learner, our Gemini energy needs to communicate and learn from others. When we look at the age development of Gemini we can envision the curious toddler learning to speak and the elusive – Why????

Question everything this season. Gemini energy has a million books on the nightstand or all those web browsers left open. Craving information and needing to know why. BUT we have just experienced a south node eclipse in Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini, that asks you to close all the books and start believing in yourself.

With the Sun moving through the sign of The Twins, our brains become zingy and active, and we may find ourselves feeling a bit more scattered than usual as desires to connect with friends and explore new connections pull our attention in all directions.

Saturn is retrograde, Mercury is retrograde so the season of the RE commences. It is a great time for REviewing, REflecting and REevaluating. Don’t force decisions or communication.

Where we find Gemini in our charts is where we are intellectual and social. What house is Gemini for you?

Our work during this transit is to learn, pull in the information and let ideas flow. Remembering that Gemini is the element of mutable air, try not to get too attached to any one thing. This season will help you learn and feel energized.

Gemini Morning Pages

A beautiful practice that can feel supportive and stabilizing when the mind is swirling is to sit down and write. Journaling and taking the time to pour out our thoughts onto paper can help clear space in the mind. Julia Cameron’s “morning pages” are a wonderful way to let go of all the mind clutter each morning. Create a journal that is just for morning pages and every morning write for ten minutes or one full page, hand-written. You do not censor yourself but start the flow of writing with what you are thinking about and allow the unconscious thoughts to hit the page. Watch a brief description of morning pages here.

About Wild Sky Sisters:

Did you know you have a whole planetary chart and not just a Sun Sign? To learn more about where all the planets were at your birth and how they want to love you, visit www.WildSkySisters.ca.

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