Wildlife alert along Highway 93

An alert from Parks Canada about animals along Highway 93 South in Kootenay National Park over the holiday period.

Omar McDadi

Parks Canada Media Relations

Parks Canada is advising motorists to drive carefully and watch for wildlife along Highway 93 South in Kootenay National Park over the holiday period.

Animals are particularly vulnerable to vehicle-caused mortality this time of year, with higher than normal traffic volume expected over the holiday period. We are particularly concerned about a pair of coyotes on Highway 93 South in the south end of the park, near the McLeod Meadows area. Both coyotes will approach vehicles and one has shown no fear when approached by visitors. It is believed that these coyotes have been fed and are on the highway, looking for handouts. Coyotes that are being fed may bite and are likely to become aggressive if they learn to associate food with people.

Visitors are reminded that it is unlawful to approach, entice or feed wildlife in the national parks and that such behaviour can be harmful to both people and wildlife. Drivers are also reminded to give animals the space they need at this critical time of year.

Please obey posted speed limits and highway signage and exercise extra vigilance at dawn and dusk when animals are most active. A few extra minutes of driving time could add years to an animal’s life. Please report all wildlife sightings to Parks Canada Dispatch at 403-762-1470. Parks Canada would like to extend our best wishes to residents and visitors for a safe and happy holiday season.



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