Will closing laundry services actually save money?

"How does the B.C. government think it is going to save money by contracting out the laundry service at Nelson?"

How does the B.C. government think it is going to save money by contracting out the laundry service at Nelson?

• The carbon foot print of sending the laundry further to save money. Gee isn’t that a well thought out process!

• The savings is $35 million over 25 years, how much fuel will they use to transport that! Carbon foot print?

• •Were the taxes of the people who work in Nelson calculated in the savings equation? Gee I guess paying them unemployment benefits and then, God forbid, welfare if they cannot find a job in these times of recession, was that looked at?

• Are the wages in the new Kelowna laundry site going to equal what the union employees make? Somebody will get rich. But it will not help the people of B.C.

I hope the people in government have thought this out. I am not the smartest person but this does not make sense to me. Keep people working? Take the money out of the advertising that is on TV to cover the cost of this. It is not just in Nelson they want to do this but all over B.C.

To Premier Christy Clark good job! Yeah right.

To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, does this make sense you?

Howard RegnierTrail

Trail Daily Times