Will you turn down their help?

Regarding the letter recently, “they stand on guard for us,” in the Peninsula News Review.

Regarding the letter recently, “they stand on guard for us,” in the Peninsula News Review. Without appearing to beat the matter to death, I would like to add the following observation regarding the operation of the helicopters at Victoria International Airport — one which seems to have escaped the notice of the people who are crying about helicopter noise.

Without any question, Sidney and its surrounding is going to feel the effects of a very high magnitude earthquake which may also be coupled with the devastating effects of a tsunami.

Now, anyone with any brains will realize the helicopters of the local squadron — whether they be the ancient Sea Kings or a newer machine — will most likely be the only aircraft which initially at least we be able to provide rescue and supply efforts.

When this area gets hit with a high magnitude earthquake, we can forget ambulances and the fire brigade turning up to help us out. Or a rescue launch coming to save us when our house has been flooded by a tsunami.

My experience tells me that the very people who currently don’t like the helicopter training noise will be amongst the first crying out for help when a disaster occurs.

So the question which I pose to them is: when you desperately require help, will you turn down any help when a Sea King turns up in the nick of time?

R. A. White, Sidney

Peninsula News Review