Willoughby community not listened to

We feel helpless in this decision. Two years ago, we didn’t feel helpless as our community rallied together and made our desires known.

Editor: On Monday night, Langley Township council voted on the Forewest Construction development proposal.

It’s a frustrating time for our community, as we feel helpless in this decision. Two years ago, we didn’t feel helpless as our community rallied together and made our desires for our community known. I thought this was the process.

We do our research come election time. We vote. As community decisions arise, we expect our councillors to do what they feel is best for the community.

We cross our fingers that they make the right decisions. But in absence of this confidence, we voice our opinions. We let them know clearly what our community wants. Then they vote. We hope they listen.

Two years ago this happened, and now for some reason we are back here again with a very similar development and an identical community feel. Almost 50 speakers were opposed, and 250 opposed it in a signed petition.  And yet it is proceeding.

Something needs to change.  So come election time, do your research. And then vote. It’s not just the community of Willoughby either. Brookswood, you might be next.

Jennifer Veerman,


Langley Times