Wireless access

The new service, scheduled to take effect in Summerland today, will be welcomed by many.

A few years ago, the idea of providing free wireless Internet access at public locations around Summerland would have seemed ridiculous, but the new service, scheduled to take effect in Summerland today, will be welcomed by many.

According to surveys from 2013, more than half of Canadians regularly use a smartphone. Some of the studies suggest use could be as high as three out of five Canadians.

Add to that the people who use a tablet device or a laptop computer and the number who are connected becomes significant.

Many of us will use the Internet for communications, finding directions and getting information. Documents and photographs are often stored using cloud-based online services.

Internet access has become an increasingly important part of our lives and as a result, a good wireless service has become essential.

The municipality and Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. have entered into an agreement to provide this service.

Summerland’s share of this agreement is the cost of the power required for the service. This cost is estimated at $340 a year, a small fraction of the total municipal budget.

While the agreement seems positive for all parties, the 10-year term of the contract seems extremely long.

Computer technology is changing rapidly and equipment which was considered state-of-the-art a few years ago is now slow or obsolete.

The communications technology in place a decade ago has been replaced with faster and more convenient options. The same will likely be true in the next 10 years as well.

Any connection service must be set up so it will remain current.

The service is needed, but in the years to come, the technology to deliver the service will likely change dramatically.


Summerland Review