Wireless sensitivity increasing

I would suggest your readers who think hydrophobia is the result of radiation paranoia read what researchers are finding in other countries

I would suggest your readers who think hydrophobia is the result of radiation paranoia read what researchers are finding in other countries where wireless technology has been around for longer.

French researchers have shown that Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) do notably modify blood and brain physiology. The oncology professor who reported these findings is the president of the Association for Therapeutic Research Against Cancer. He sees electrosensitivity as being a major problem in public health.

As one doctor states, “independent and immediate action is required to reduce overexposure of people to EMFs.”

In France alone, estimates indicate that up to five per cent of people are electro-sensitive.

The proportion of sensitive people raises with the spreading of wireless technologies. Studies show that 10 to 50 per cent of the population will face becoming very intolerant to EMFs in the next 25 to 50 years.

I would suggest that our local media needs to get this information out to the general public as it seems to be squashed by the conglomerates who are owned by the large telecommunication firms.

Citizens should contact B.C.’s medical health officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, to demand a halt to this program until science has had time to weigh in on this relatively new technology.

Sherry Ridout

Salmon Arm Observer