Wireless service rate changes are needed

Many people who haven’t been to many other countries may not be aware that the price of mobile phone-internet is less than it is in Canada.

Dear Editor:

Many people who haven’t been to many other countries may not be aware that the price of mobile phone-internet is actually much much less than it is in Canada.

Japanese have been sitting in a moving subway underground watching sports in HD on their phones since… last year you might think? Nope, 2007.

In Canada we pay triple on everything just to receive lame packages which have forced many of us into some of the worst contracts in the world.

Our Industry Minister, Christian Paradis, has the ability to enforce the government’s rules for cell phone service but so far has not done so. Tens of thousands have spoken up to him already at www.demandchoice.ca. The government’s decision about wireless spectrum is an excellent chance to change a bad situation, and unlock the potential of our digital economy. These scarce public spectrum assets should be invested in our digital future.

Jesse Lee



Summerland Review