Re: The Leader’s question of the week, “Do you like the idea of Surrey residents being able to keep chickens?”
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Yes, the idea is good, but there is considerable responsibility that must also be considered mandatory.
I keep a bird feeder in my backyard which attracts both wanted and unwanted visitors. Are the benefits acceptable considering the additional unwanted visitors (specifically rats)? Yes, I believe the pleasure outlays the pitfalls. Yes, I keep the bird feeder area as clean as possible.
A chicken coop must be kept clean on a regular basis. If appropriate care is provided, the benefits are wonderful. Required care should be monitored and failure to comply should result in action to remove the chickens.
The last thing we need in Surrey is more well-fed rats.
My neighbour keeps rabbits in an outdoor cage. I regularly catch very well-fed rats in strategically placed traps.
I would like to know how Surrey will ensure the chickens will be well-looked after and how related health matters are enforced.
It seems Surrey has difficulty in monitoring people’s activities. Many people are totally unaware of the results of their activities or actions. Will Surrey enforcement be given this additional responsibility?
I am looking forward to hearing a rooster at the crack of dawn in the near future.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this issue.
Bill Giesbrecht