Without enforcement, laws ignored

Without enforcement, laws are ignored and chaos is the result. In B.C. we have plenty of that, and it starts with the little things.

“The site will include … general information about how to better drive in a Roundabout.”

We heard that after the roundabout at the bottom of Beacon Avenue was built. We heard it three times over on completion of the McTavish interchange.

Recently while waiting for my wife on Beacon for half an hour, I counted at least five dozen vehicles that made no signal when exiting that roundabout, including several trucks and one police car.

On my weekly trips into Victoria, I can usually count at least a dozen vehicles with faulty lights or no lights at all, when due to weather or time of day these should be on.

Countless trucks have license plates so dirty that they cannot be read even from a few feet.

When are our police going to realize that compliance with the safety laws begins with the little things? That if not dealt with, to often become major problems?

Without enforcement, laws are ignored and chaos is the result. In B.C. we have plenty of that, and it starts with the little things.

H.U.P. Edwards

North Saanich



Peninsula News Review