Witnessing the selfish

On the evening of Jan. 30, I was a witness to a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of 96 Avenue and King George Boulevard.

This accident was a result of a driver who made an ill-advised left turn.

But what transpired in the moments just after this collision absolutely appalled me.

As I’m sure you are aware, King George Boulevard has three lanes of traffic in both directions at this intersection as well as left and right turn lanes.

The light for both directions of travel on King George Boulevard were red.

That means that with the amount of traffic present at the time of the collision, there were at least eight witnesses to this collision.

I was the third vehicle in line in the far left northbound lane of King George Boulevard.

None of these drivers who obviously witnessed this collision remained at the scene.

The problem is that the law requires the first witness to not only remain at the scene to give a statement to the police, but also to render assistance.

The second witness is only required to remain at the scene and give a statement to police.

I was the only witness to give a statement to the police and render assistance where I could.

Another lady did stop to render assistance but didn’t see what happened to cause this collision.   

My question is, what happened to human decency?

What happened to taking responsibility to make sure you are obeying the law?

I can’t believe I was the first to even put a call in to the police for assistance.

When will this world wake up?

David J. Maandag

Surrey Now Leader