Wolf slaughter needs to stop

Reader is not proud of wolf slaughter in the Cariboo

To the editor:

I am writing regarding the page A27 article in the May 2 edition of the Free Press, headlined Trappers win cash in wolf competition.

Are we supposed to be proud of the wolf slaughter in the Cariboo?

This old-fashioned mentality needs to stop.

Recently, I was told by a rancher that he shot 76 wolves over the winter near his ranch out west by the Fraser River. When I asked if they were bothering his cattle, he said, “No, I shot them just in case.”

On my way home, I passed a First Nations reserve and there were four wolf hides hanging up at a home near the main road.

Do you not care what will happen to the balance of the animals and forests if the wolves are gone?

One person in the article said they just wanted a balance. Do you even know how many wolves there are in the area? I doubt it very much.

I have been in the bush here over 60 years both on the ground and in the air. At the rate you are slaughtering the wolves there won’t be any left period.

What is wrong with Ministry of Environment and Conservation?

Is allowing this a political move on your part?

If so, you need to be ashamed of yourself.

Have you no morals of your own?


Charlie Firth

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press