Wolf’s Corner should have first priority for barriers

If we are going to spend money to improve highway safety, I believe the installation of barriers is a good place to begin

Editor, The Times:

Thank-you to the Dekelver families for their words of appreciation regarding the request for installation of highway safety barriers.

The Ministry of Highways personnel have been helpful and supportive, and have indicated that new criteria has been introduced to enable the installation of the barriers. They are currently waiting for funding to proceed.

I would suggest that the Wolf’s Corner area of Highway 5 be the first area of installation for the following reasons:

1. Loss of life has occurred in this area that might have been preventable.

2. This area is a recognized avalanche area where falling rocks and debris could force drivers off the highway into the river.

3. The highway in this area is in continual shade and can create unexpected icy conditions in late fall and early spring, when most other sections of the highway are dry.

If we are going to spend money to improve highway safety, I believe the installation of barriers is a good place to begin.

Bob Mumford,


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times