Women brave enough to stand with RCMP

Are you telling me women joining the RCMP was an experiment that failed?

I have a question for Mr. Scheideman (letters, Nov. 21). Are you telling me women joining the RCMP was an experiment that failed? In your opinion, women who have drawn attention to being sexually harassed in the RCMP have caused this “experiment” to fail.

I was under the impression women should be able to join the RCMP without fear of being sexually harassed because police officers should uphold laws and moral standards. If I understand you correctly, women joining the RCMP should expect to be sexually harassed by their male counterparts?

If you worked alongside some of the first female RCMP you should be well aware that it has been almost 40 years since women have joined the force.  When in your mind did we fail you and our communities? These women have been brave enough to stand up in the spotlight and be counted as women who will not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace. You may not appreciate it, but as a 20-something female Sidney resident with a strong voice and a stronger family, I look forward to joining the emergency services within the next few years and it is men like you who drive me to join sooner. I would certainly expect that the men I will one day stand next to will view my presence in a positive rather than a negative light.

You have done yourself as well as the local and national police forces an immense disservice.

Leah Tyler




Peninsula News Review