Women’s march mostly about the message

When I joined in support of the women’s march on Saturday, we were not going to achieve some magical change in the attitude of others.

To the Editor,

Re: Nanaimo women march in solidarity, Jan. 19.

Sometimes people say: “There is no use marching or protesting – it doesn’t change anything”.  And they are correct. When I joined in support of the women’s march on Saturday, we were not going to achieve some magical change in the attitude of others. What I was giving witness to was my own rejection of abuse of power, sexual assault of women, mockery of people who are disabled and military who died in war or were POWs. I was denouncing racism and acknowledging my belief that all people are valued without concern for their gender, colour of skin, sexual orientation, or financial wealth. I was saying that wealth and power are not licence to threaten, to bully, or be reckless with the truth.

The women’s march in Washington, D.C., and many other places in the world including Nanaimo, will not change Trump. But it was a way of publicly declaring that we do not support his values and we reject his ways. It is not to change Trump, (although that would be good) but to promise myself that I won’t allow him to change me.

Barbara CooperNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin