Work to enhance quality of life

Before I would cast my vote for you, you would have to straighten out your thinking.

This is directed to [city council candidate] Garth Glassel regarding online comments: “Let the churches and charities take care of the downtrodden, that’s their job, not the taxpayers’.”

Before I would cast my vote for you, you would have to straighten out your thinking.

Where in the living world do you get the idea that it is the church’s “job” to provide low cost housing for the downtrodden. It is their loving, caring, wish to help where ever possible, but it is not their “job” as such.

Their only source of money is from the  generosity of the people who already pay taxes to their community.  You force the people (through taxation) to pay, the churches have no such clout.

Stop passing the buck and show that you would work diligently for low cost housing and the “churches” will look after their spiritual needs to round out their quality of life.

We should all be eager to work together to build up the quality of life within out community.


Nell Rutley,


Chilliwack Progress