Working for the future

It is good to be back in the office after the hectic election period, and to continue my work as your representative in the Legislature.

It is good to be back in the office after the hectic election period, and to continue my work as your representative in the Legislature.

By working together, I know we will be able to accomplish a lot in the next four years, and I will continue to make sure that the voice of our rural regions is heard.

As the new Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations for Rural Development, I will work to build the economy in rural British Columbia, something that has always been close to my heart.

I will also work to ensure that rural schools get the same opportunities as those in big cities and that our farmers and ranchers are heard, and will continue to push for the Prosperity Mine project.

Our government will bring real benefits for rural areas, through policies like the tax exemption on purple gas for our farmers and by supporting the renewal of our forestry industry through more trade with Asia.

We will also continue to focus on fiscal responsibility and creating the conditions for strong economic growth with initiatives like a 40 per cent reduction in the small business tax and the cutting of red tape.

These types of policies will bring many new economic opportunities to the Cariboo and other rural regions of our province.

Now that we are back in the office, I look forward to continuing to write this weekly column to keep you up to date on what is happening in our region, in the capital, and around the province.

You can also call or drop by the office any time, as my door is always open; I’m always happy to hear your thoughts or help in any way I can.

Donna Barnett is the Liberal MLA for Cariboo-Chilcotin.

Williams Lake Tribune