Working together for a better Sidney

Two-thirds of Sidney voters chose another mayoralty candidate. This is hardly a ringing endorsement of the previous mayor or council.

Congratulations to Sidney’s new mayor and council.

While mayor-elect Steve Price notes in his post-election comment in the PNR that “Mayor-wise, the people were happy with the stability of council,” the electoral outcome tells a different story.

Two-thirds of Sidney voters chose another mayoralty candidate. This is hardly a ringing endorsement of the previous mayor or council.

The arrival of new councillors is, therefore, very welcome. They will bring fresh ideas and perspectives as Sidney grapples with a number of challenges over the next four years.

Sidney residents want a municipal government that is fiscally responsible, accountable to its citizens, open and transparent. Meeting these objectives will require enhanced partnerships between council and a broad range of citizens, interest groups and the business community.

Most importantly, our elected officials will need to engage and listen to all citizens in a meaningful way throughout their term in office, not simply when they are seeking election.

Working together, we can make Sidney an even better place to live and raise our families.

Denny Gelinas, Sidney

Peninsula News Review