Worrisome legacy


Re: Change not victory, May 9 letters.


Re: Change not victory, May 9 letters.

I differ with the opinions expressed by letter-writer Gwyn  Morgan and believe the headline should read, “The NDP is the best answer for B.C.’s future.”

(Editor’s note: Posted online as a column, the headline reads, “Liberals are best answer for B.C.’s future.”)

Morgan’s stale fear argument that 20-year-old economic woes apply to today’s NDP is disrespectful and dismissive of all candidates who were not there and have the courage to run today. Touting the “look at all the great things the Liberals have done for the economy” is becoming ridiculous. B.C.’s deficit has tripled, and that party’s pet projects have been wasteful and detrimental to education and job training – the very cornerstones for economic growth.

It is the Liberals who have raised taxes, kept salary increases low or at zero, resulting in less consumer spending, less services and hardship for seniors and increased poverty.

Low interest rates are set by the Bank of Canada – not the provincial Liberals – and they did not stop over 35,000 job losses.

Morgan acknowledges BC Liberal “gaffes and ill-thought-out policies,” but the electorate knows those would continue as they are, due to poor leadership. Smiling one’s way through scandal, fact manipulation and cut-throat politics does not a good leader make.

The arrogant dismissal of the legislature denied BCers a democratic voice. Passing repressive bills and taking away worker rights to free collective bargaining is extremely worrisome to all. That’s what Premier Christy Clark’s legacy will be.

Neovi Patsicakis, Surrey



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