Worthy recipient

They could not have chosen a more worthy recipient.

Monday, Premier Christy Clark and Keith Mitchell, chair of the British Columbia Achievement Foundation announced Quesnel City Coun. Peter Couldwell as one of the provincial winners of the BC Community Achievement Awards.

And rightly so.

Couldwell has dedicated more than 20 years of his life to serving our community as city councillor and in doing so has served on a number of worthwhile committees.

He has also personally helped to raise close to $3million through his skills as a volunteer auctioneer for scores of events and organizations, including local charities, the Quesnel Community Foundation and the Hospice Palliative Care Association.

The awards work to acknowledge incredible individuals who have a “remarkable record” of enhancing the quality of life of residents throughout the province.

“These individuals work diligently all year round and their contributions yield concrete and lasting benefits for all of us,” the foundation’s chair Keith Mitchell said.

“Their work stands as a beacon to selfless community service, and our lives are richer for it.”

And that sums up Couldwell to a tee as evidenced by his comment,  post-award.

“I’m very humbled by this. I wasn’t expecting an honour of this magnitude,” he said.

“I don’t do the work I do for the awards, I do it so that Quesnel is a better place, a community that one can be proud to raise a family in.”

Peter Couldwell is the epitome of what community means, he is the essence of giving, the embodiment of selflessness.

We could all take a page from this man’s book.

A congratulations is in order, but more importantly, Peter deserves our thanks.


–Autumn MacDonald, Observer



Quesnel Cariboo Observer