Would paying $12 an hour break the banks?

Dear editor,

I was recently up in Courtenay on business and saw an old gentleman lying on the sidewalk near Thrifty's grocery store.

Dear editor,

I was recently up in Courtenay on business and saw an old gentleman lying on the sidewalk near Thrifty’s grocery store.

Across the street a saw a crowd of people milling about outside of what looked like a church. My guess is that they were waiting for a free meal. It was a depressing sight.

Today I was on the phone here in the Nanaimo area talking to a guy in India about a problem with an item on my Visa statement.

Why am I talking to a guy in India?

The six major Canadian banks have made record profits over the past 10 years and continue to do so.

Couldn’t these banks employ some people in Courtenay instead of India for their call centres? Would paying Canadians $12 an hour destroy the banks’ profits?

There is something significantly wrong with this picture.

Wouldn’t most Canadian bank customers prefer to see more Canadians employed?

The only way for this to change is for more people to realize what is going on and to speak up to their banks.

Colin Paterson,


Comox Valley Record