Write letters, and protect our air

A sincere thanks to Patricia Ross and the rest of council for their efforts to protect our most essential resource, the air that we breathe.

A sincere thanks to Patricia Ross and the rest of council for their efforts to protect our most essential resource, the air that we breathe.

Within the last year I have acquired a very nasty allergy to a substance in the air that affects my eyes. When I asked an eye specialist as to why this has happened, he responded, “You live in the Valley, don’t you?”

It seems to be an acceptable fact that the Valley air is polluted and no one cares. We all must take Ross’s suggestion to write to those in control to express our deepest concerns regarding air quality.

It is our responsibility to stand up for our rights or our council’s efforts are in vain. Show your support for council let them know they are appreciated.

Thomas D. Lester

Abbotsford News