Writer being a bit paranoid

Dear Sir:

I have just read the Sept. 28, 2011 column, “Do we really want to be like the United States?” by Al Lehmann and my reaction was “holy s#@t”, this is a teacher

Dear Sir:

I have just read the Sept. 28, 2011 column, “Do we really want to be like the United States?” by Al Lehmann and my reaction was “holy s#@t”, this is a teacher!

I don’t know (I hope) if the intent was to be satirical, but it comes off as an angry, paranoid rant. In my opinion, one of Canada’s strengths was that we were open to new ideas and ways of doing things from all over the world.

Are we now becoming as closed minded as this column implies?

Does Al stereotype everyone? Does Al get any information on the US from sources other than Fox News and CNN? I think the US has done many things right and some things wrong, that does not make me somehow want to be more American, but if Al is a reflection on what our education process is producing it certainly is not one of the things that makes me a proud Canadian.

Makes me wonder if Al is one of the “incompetent drones” those “billionaires” were making reference to.

John Nester,

Terrace, BC

Terrace Standard