Writer believes Oct. 3 letter generated drivel

Mike O'Connor taken aback by responses from city staff, elected officials and some local media to an Oct. 3 letter to the editor.

To Editor:  Castlegar News

This is something that I do not usually do, [I’m] retired and so be it.  However, I feel a need to comment on the drivel that has come about do to a letter to the editor questioning the [city’s] ability to make sound financial decisions.

This letter as I read it was about spending and getting the best bang for our buck. As an example the writer used the Fire Department changes to make a point. I doubt very much that Mr. [Therderahn] was making a personal attack on the chief, having worked with him for over 30 years both on the Ambulance and at the Airport as a tenant and licensed pilot. I think everyone in this community has the highest regard for Mr. Rempel.

I found it disheartening that the Editor of the Castlegar Source came out guns blazing and not really looking at the facts of the letter. In addition to that [councillor] McIntosh and [councillor] Sherstibitoff and most disappointing of all, the city administrator all followed her lead. But when you want to redirect thinking away from the main topic of fiscal responsibility, this is what you do. It is a shame that this has happened. It is also a shame that a citizen can’t voice his opinion without being attacked as viciously as was done in this matter.

I find it very disturbing that Mr. Malcolm the City Administrator found it necessary comment on this letter in the manner in which he did. If anyone felt the need to comment it should have come thru the Mayor and with a proper letter sent to Mr. [Therderahn] for clarification. I would hope that Mr. Rempel isn’t too embarrassed by the comments of the Administrator but I do agree and we (you and I ) have had this discussion before:  Jerry, please take a holiday.

Mike O’Connor



Castlegar News