Writer bombastic, condescending

Perhaps he could pray for those of us who miss the mark and don’t live up to his expectations.

To the editor;

RE: “When Christians forget about Christ,” Dec. 22.

Frank G. Sterle Jr.’s condescending and bombastic judgement against Christians, whom he assumes forget Christ after Christmas, is a hot load of judgemental horse manure.

It begs the question, “Who made him (or I for that matter), anyone’s judge or critic?

The important issue for Mr. Sterle Jr. is that he sees to it first that he serves his Jesus and lives a compassionate Christ-like life for himself. As for the others, perhaps he could pray for those of us who miss the mark and don’t live up to his expectations, instead of leveling judgements and criticisms.

By this writing, I too, am guilty of judgement and criticism. The antidote? Be happy, and accept people for who they are.


Brian Batke


Cloverdale Reporter