Writer feels dropping rules from weddings not a good trend

Dear editor,

Sad but true, however, more sad is the statement from Shannon Kennedy, an Ottawa-based wedding planner.

Dear editor,

Sad but true, however, more sad is the statement from Shannon Kennedy, an Ottawa-based wedding planner.

“The modern family is changing, and I think it’s a wonderful thing.” — Vancouver Metro, Sept. 20, 1012, “Marriage on the decline in Vancouver.”

There is a scripture found in Isaiah Ch. 5 verse 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.”

Shannon goes further to say,  “The best thing about modern weddings is, there are no rules.”

Indeed, there are no rules; rules are old fashioned like the Brady Bunch TV story now called, “Brady Bunch-style stepfamilies.”

It’s sad that this is happening, but more so by calling this a “wonderful thing.”

Ary Sala,

Fanny Bay

Comox Valley Record