Writer gives tips on preparing emergency kits

There is so much on the news about the snow pack and all the possibilities of potential disasters that I was thinking that we need to keep in mind that we are always encouraging people to volunteer to become trained in the whole emergency preparedness area – training is available.

I have taken the following from the TNRD web-site and hope that some or all of it might be used in an article to alert the residents of the NT valley – although there is much that the dedicated volunteers do and can do. Ultimately it is the responsibility of every individual to ‘Be Prepared’ for any emergency.

When preparing for an emergency – think of it this way – What would you have prepared so that if you are on a road trip and hope that the care-taker will be able ‘pick up one box or suitcase’ and rescue that – would you have that packed, visible, labeled and ready to go?  If not; why not?  As we have just seen in the situation with the Slave Lake fires – ‘things’ can happen rather quickly!

Emergency Preparedness for Homeowners

Is your family prepared to be self sufficient for 72 hours?

During an emergency, you and your family could be on your own for an extended period of time. Emergency services may not be readily available, as increasing demands are placed on responders. It may take emergency workers some time to get to you as they help those in most critical need.

The Province of B.C. and the Government of Canada recommend that individuals be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hours. Here are some of the basics required for an emergency kit:

• At least two litres of water per person per day

•  Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight

• Cash in smaller bills and change for payphones

• Candles and a lighter

• Food that won’t spoil and should be replaced annually

• Wind-up or battery-powered radio

• Copy of your emergency plan and contact information

• Sleeping bags

• Manual can opener

• First Aid Kit

• Prescription medication, pet food, baby formula, etc.

• Toiletries

Cheryl Thomas


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times