Writer misjudges Fraser Institute

All this time I’ve misjudged the Fraser Institute.

All this time I’ve misjudged the Fraser Institute.

I always thought this “Think Tank” was serious, that they actually believed in this free market nonsense, that Santa Claus and the tooth fairy were always going to rescue the economy.

The last five years should be enough to dispel that nonsense!

However, to pick a school in a polygamous community, a school that hasn’t even proper accreditation as number one, 10 out of 10. Now that’s satire of the highest order.

Even the late Frank magazine wouldn’t top this one. The secret is out. The Fraser Institute is not to be taken seriously (anyone in the past who actually did has to have a serious rethink).

So, as I have already stated, Fraser Institute I’ve misread you completely!

You’ve given us a good laugh today – may more hilarity follow.

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater Times