Writer rounding up names for petition

A new regional hospital for castlegar is in the hopes of this writer


I would like to inform the citizens of Castlegar and the outlying areas that we have a petition for a new regional hospital in Castlegar circulating. I’m urging all to sign this petition to help make the hospital become a reality.

When Interior Health closed down our hospital in 2002, making it into a health centre, they promised the mayor and city council that if they purchased land, they identified Castlegar to be the preferred location of a new regional hospital; due to its central location, its proximity to major provincial and regional highways and its access to the main air terminal in the region.

We have several locations that have the petition, and if there are any places of business that would accept it for people to sign, kindly call me at 250-365-3754.

A special thank you to those who have worked so hard to get signatures and we have a great number of people who have signed the petition. There are, however, many who had not been aware of the petition.

Olga Mehrer,


Castlegar News