Writer thanks and accepts forgiveness

After reading Wes Morton’s little paragraph I have come to realize that he must have fallen and banged his head

Editor, The Times:

In response to “The Quality of Mercy” (April 23 issue), after reading Wes Morton’s little paragraph I have come to realize that he must have fallen and banged his head. Now he thinks that he is the Dalai Lama of Blackpool!

I’d like to start by thanking him for forgiving me and I accept his forgiveness. However, there are a few statements that I must clear up.

(1) Forgive Stephen Harper for his non-democratic tendencies. I always thought that NDP stood for New Democratic Party. Apparently it means NON Democratic Party. Thank you for that input, Wes!

(2) Forgive Christy Clark for her Gordon Campbell imitation. Rumor has it that after the next election, Christy Clark will be roommates with Kim Campbell in California. Apparently that’s where the Canadian governments send their sacrificial lambs, eh!

(3)Forgive the traffic circle opponents for their lack of vision. If you hadn’t banged your head you probably would be able to distinguish the difference between lack of vision and the use of forethought!

(4) Last but not least, forgive the coffee buddies for their wrong-headed political thinking. When I read that statement, I didn’t see red but I sure saw a lot of orange! I realize Mr. Morton would like to see the NDP form the next provincial government, which would really be ironic because that would mean our next premier would be Mr. Dix. Then we’ll all see what wrong-headed political thinking is all about.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate Clearwater’s mayor and council for their decision of looking into the possibility of grants for cleaning up Dutch Lake. I’d like to mention that that very topic was brought up in a previous letter to the editor, in a roundabout sort of way!

Jim Lamberton

Blackpool, B.C.








Clearwater Times