Writers’ Guild an important part of Arts Council gallery

Writers in Residence discuss writing in all its forms with visitors to the gallery, and to give help to aspiring writers.

Editor: As president of the Langley Writers’ Guild, I would like to let readers know that our group is present as Writers In Residence at the Langley Arts Council gallery. This was not mentioned in the Aug. 28 Times story (“Artists banking on interest”), about the gallery.

The Writers’ Guild has been a member of the Langley Arts Council for many years and as such has always tried to participate in LAC programs. We have had a room at the gallery almost from the day it opened and have had a writer in attendance throughout.

Our goals as Writers in Residence is not only to display and sell our books — our individual publications as well as Guild chapbooks — but also to discuss writing in all its forms with visitors to the gallery, and to give help to aspiring writers with their work, both prose and poetry.

The Writers’ Guild holds regular meetings at the Langley City library on Douglas Crescent three times a month, on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The Writer in Residence program at the LAC gallery is a chance for writers, who are unable to attend these meetings, to connect with our members and receive help and encouragement with their craft.

I encourage anyone interested in any art form to drop in to the gallery and talk to our writers, or call 604-534-3384.

Doris Riedweg,


Langley Times