Wrong facts


The letter entitled “Boat launch costs are as promised,” in the Sooke News Mirror of Aug. 31, written by Myke Colbert (aka Moonfist), cannot go without comment.

Moonfist likes to lap up the flavour of the day as served up by Sooke Council and staff, and declare it the best of all things.

As unwelcome as it will be, I have some advice for him. We have had enough puppets sit at the council table, voting how and when they are told.  If Moonfist is serious about a run for council then best he start doing some thinking for himself, and stop being an echo for those who would use him.

He begins his letter with the statement in support of last week’s comments by the CAO, reference the costs of the boat launch being on target.  Alas, by the time his support hit the paper, the CAO was telling us another $335,000 would be required.  Oh well, nice try, Moonfist.

He makes matters worse with his explanation of how the boat launch property was purchased with 35-cent dollars, which of course is utter nonsense. It was purchased with 915,000 real dollars, and that may very well be a low figure. I do agree with him that it represents an ‘incredible’ administration of public funds, although I am quite sure we have a different interpretation of the word.

Finally, to Moonfist I have this to say with reference to his challenge that he would welcome anyone to walk the parking area with him to get a true reading of things:  He has insulted my intelligence and my integrity, and I accept this challenge.

I see nothing less than tape measures at 20 paces on a morning when the site is shrouded in mist, and our seconds are standing at the ready to tend us when we fall. I wonder if there has ever been a duel in Sooke’s history. Where is Elida when we need her?

Seriously, Moonfist, name the day and the time! You will need a second!

Gail Hall


Sooke News Mirror