Wrong location for facility

We feel that this is the time to push for considering relocation to a more sports-oriented area in Saanich

We are resident taxpayers on Sutcliffe Road and refer to Travis Paterson’s story on the badminton club application to rezone their property at the end of our narrow cul-de-sac.  A statement was made that there are “some vocal dissenters” and that “they are against anything proposed,” etc.  When some 50 or so residents come to an open meeting to voice protest it indicates a great deal of serious opposition toward rezoning of a property.

The original hall, built some 60 years ago with volunteer labour, was a great asset as a gathering place for the whole community, however, over many years local involvement has apparently diminished to the point where there is little or no local interest at all in maintaining the structure, and as the building admittedly has now deteriorated, we feel that this is the time to push for considering relocation to a more sports-oriented area in Saanich. That is what we would endorse.

The property was originally zoned as Residential, and that may have been the ultimate long-term vision of the people of that time. The fact that Sutcliffe Road is a very narrow, effectively one-lane road, ending in a tiny loop, is another negative toward future development, and we hear of future grandiose plans, such as “world-class facility leading to major sports gatherings,” attracting busloads of participants,  and so on, all in the middle of an otherwise quiet and beautiful residential neighbourhood. We look forward to being present along with many other concerned residents when Saanich Planning deals with the rezoning application.

Arthur & Dorris Rowe





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