Wrong plan

I am very concerned to hear that the provincial government is potentially going to delay badly needed reinvestments in BC Hydro


I am very concerned to hear that the provincial government is potentially going to delay badly needed reinvestments in BC Hydro’s generating and transmission systems in order to keep hydro rates from rising.

This is exactly the same mistake the NDP made in the 1990s and I urge the provincial government not to repeat the NDP’s mistake.

Like anything built in the 1960s through the 1980s, the province’s dams and transmission systems need to be properly maintained and renovated from time to time. We cannot expect these assets to supply us with power indefinitely if we don’t maintain them.

Let’s not jeopardize the clean, affordable hydroelectric energy that has always been a key economic advantage for our province. The planned reinvestments in the system are timely and prudent and they should proceed.

Yolanda Lora Vilchis, Surrey

Aldergrove Star